AJoiner 2.2 for Mac

AJoiner AJoiner 2.2 is freeware for Mac to join split files.
What is AJoiner 2.2 for Mac?
AJoiner is a small, lightweight application for joining split files. These files can be in any format, as long as they use Mastersplitter's naming convention (.001 - .999).
What’s new in version 2.2?
* Validates file sizes and warns if they are incorrect
* Increased feedback regarding file deficiencies
* Preferences interface improved
* Eliminated crash when joining deficient segments manually
Freeware AJoiner 2.2 for Mac has several useful options for cancelling join operations if files are missing, automatically deleting segment files, and automatically launching joined files. AJoiner can also use pre-specified join locations, or just join to the same location as the original segments.
* PowerPC
o Mac OS X 10.3.9
* Intel
o Mac OS X 10.4.6
AJoiner 2.2 for Mac has license : Freeware