AP Grapher 1.2.1 for Mac

AP Grapher 1.2.1 is a freeware program for Mac OS X which searches for and displays nearby wireless (AirPort/WiFi) access points along with information about their percent availability, maximum signal strength, and last contact time. The grapher window allows you to graph multiple signal strength parameters for the base station you are currently connected to and optionally display them in the dock icon. Many user configurable preferences allow you to customize its behavior including refresh rate and optional display in the dock icon or menu extra.

What’s new in this version 1.2.1:

* [new feature] Newly designed larger icon.
* [new feature] Added optional menu extra to display the comm quality as a percentage.
* [new feature] Added option to speak comm quality as it changes.
* [new feature] Scanner now remembers which column to sort by and by default sorts by signal.
* [new feature] Minor internal updates.
* [other] Dock icon graph now draws translucently on top of the dock icon and is based on the time elapsed rather than the number of samples elapsed.

AP Grapher 1.2.1 is intended to help you find the best access point to connect to and optimally position your base station and or computer to achieve the best possible signal strength.